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🏎️ How to Manage Your Car Subscriptions

Hello dear reader! If you’re reading this, you’re going to learn how to manage, add, and remove car subscriptions from your MaxFindsCars account! This is how you’ll select the vehicles of your dreams to receive emails for each morning.

Let’s get started! This will only take a couple minutes, I promise.

Go to maxfindscars.com and login:

Once you’ve logged in, you’ll automatically be redirected to the account management screen.

Here, your active car subscriptions will be visible right off the bat. In the above case, you are subscribed to Porsche 911 listings. To add more, you’d enter the make and model in the corresponding input areas. Let’s add a couple more and see what that looks like…

There! You input the Shelby Cobra, but you know with MaxFindsCars you can have up to 3 active car subscriptions at once, so let’s click the (+) to add one more.

Great! You’ve added Ferrari 360’s! These are the 3 cars you’re in the market for right now, so you click ‘Save’ & should see the ol’ ✅ message below.

First thing tomorrow morning, you’ll receive emails with all of the previous days new listings for these cars so that you can find your dream car as easily as possible!

You can change these whenever, too. Or you can remove car subscriptions completely by clicking the minus button to the right of that row and then hitting ‘save’.


Right now, I have not added dropdown menus with the many makes and models out there in the world. That means a couple things: first, you’ll always be able to enter the make and model you’re looking for, even if its super rare, or from some defunct automaker, or whatever. Second… it’s on you to spell the names correctly! If you misspell it, you won’t be receiving emails for it (most likely), because in the background when my software is searching for these vehicles, it’ll be searching with the misspelled version. This is bowling with no bumpers baby. So, if you’re unsure on spelling, double check! Or if you notice you haven’t received emails for a car you’ve subscribed to, come back here and double check everything’s spelled correctly.

I’m planning to add dropdown menus and also keep the ability to enter custom makes and models in the future, but I was too excited to release these features to finish that first 😆 .