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  • 🏎️ How to Set Your Password for your MaxFindsCars Account

🏎️ How to Set Your Password for your MaxFindsCars Account

Hello dear reader! If you’re reading this, you’re going to learn how to create a password for your existing MaxFindsCars email car listings subscription.

You need to do this to be able to login to your account and customize the cars you receive emails for. No longer are you restricted to only receive emails for Porsche 911’s - once this is done… the whole automotive world is your oyster.

If you’re only subscribed to the newsletter/blog, or already have a password, this does not apply to you! It’s only for the real OG’s who signed up before ‘having an account’ was a thing.

Anyways, let’s get started! This will only take a couple minutes, I promise.

  1. Go to the password reset page here: www.maxfindscars.com/account/sendresetemail

  2. Enter your email address - specifically the one you receive the listings emails from. Once you do you’ll receive an email that looks like this:

  3. Click the link, and you’ll be brought to a page that looks like this:

  4. Enter whatever password you’d like and confirm it. Click ‘Next’.

  5. Now, you’ll see a ‘success’ page that confirms your new password is set. Click ‘Next’ again to proceed to the ‘Login’ page.

    1. Now you can enter your email and new password to login! Once you login, you’ll automatically be sent to the account management page to set the vehicles you want to receive listings for. On this page, it’ll automatically fetch whichever cars you’re currently signed up for. By default, everyone is signed up for Porsche 911’s, but you can change it and also add two more vehicles to receive listings for! Come back to this page to change them whenever you’d like.

That's a wrap for now. If you want more MaxFindsCars, be sure to follow Max’s Twitter (@maxjzin).