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  • 🏎️ Max Finds John Wick's Car and DOES NOT STEAL IT

🏎️ Max Finds John Wick's Car and DOES NOT STEAL IT

Also I am very pro-puppy, John, I promise


And John Wick 4 comes out today.

What a better way to commemorate than buy the GOAT action hero’s car?

Okay okay, his might not be for sale. But I found one that is pretty damn close.

  • 🌏️ Driven around the world: 2x

  • 🧓 Generation: X

    • Almost got our first Boomer folks!!

  • 🏇 Can beat “375” horses in a fight

    • Sarcastic quotes… apparently these cars made a lot more power than that, but Ford rated it at 375 for insurance reasons

  • 💰️ Predicted Price: $400,000

  • 📆 Auction Ends: Wednesday, March 29th, 2023

Alright gang, this is an old Mustang, that’s been featured as the car of choice of the most badass man in cinema history.




…is the most interesting thing about this car?

Maybe, yes. But boy oh boy do I have some contenders.

What Makes The Boss ‘9 So Cool?



  • and the obvious, again, ITS JOHN WICKS CAR (kinda?)

This EXACT CAR has been driven by Jay Leno

Idk why I think this is so wild, Jay reviews SO MANY cars.

He’s so car obsessed that he DIY’s maintenance on cars literally powered by steam.

It is pretty amazing to have the opportunity (assuming you have four hundred thousand dollars) to buy a car where, until the inevitable heat death of the universe, you have a 20 minute video of JAY GODDAMN LENO drooling over your EXACT car.

I have a strong opinion that everyone should make videos about their cars.

Talking about them, the stupid parts of it that annoy you,

the broken bits,

the times it has saved your ass,

or the times its left you stranded on the side of a harrowing highway in a rainstorm on a drive to Virginia (a story for another day, dear reader).

Having a video Jay Leno made about your car would be a close second to a video like that.


THIS Mustang might not look like much of a race car. Muscle cars usually don’t.

They’re known for big ass engines and going fast in a straight line.

You may be interested to know, however, that the Boss ‘9 is a homologation car!

The real OG’s will remember, almost certainly, issue numero uno where we talked about homologation, but as a refresher:

“Homologation is a process in motorsport whereby a manufacturer builds a certain number (generally a small one, like 500 in this case) of road legal race cars… There are rules that allow racing teams driving these cars to then make small changes from the road legal versions to make them slightly more geared towards safely or quickly completing an event like [a NASCAR race], but generally homologation cars are the closest average folk can get to owning a real race car.”

- past Max

SO. In 1969 Ford built only 859 of these Boss 429’s to satisfy the requirements to run this car in NASCAR races, during a time where Chrysler’s Hemi powered cars were dominating.

Ford DID do fairly well with the Boss ‘9. It was not dominant, but it was very competitive!

Before it was retired, the Boss ‘9 Ford’s won 26 races and one NASCAR championship. Not too shabby!

Now, I have a suspicion YOU might think its impractical to buy a NASCAR homologation special and daily drive it.

You’ll say “Max, I have an office job that I have to commute 15 minutes into downtown for. It’s simply not reasonable to take 3 left turns every time I need to go right.”

That’s reasonable. I posit that the SEVEN LITRES OF METALLIC GLORY under your hood will allow you to take those left turns at such an immense speed that you will make up the time in the end.

Only one way to find out though, BUY IT.


I don’t really need to elaborate on this, but I will anyways.

The first John Wick movie is one of the greatest pieces of cinema out there.

Without going too deep into the heartbreaking bits (its Friday and we are keeping our hearts intact, heartbreaks are for Saturdays), the man John loses his wife tragically, his dog horrifically, AND his pride and joy Boss ‘9 to top it all off.

The scenes following depict the realization the antagonist has: he has fucked with the wrong dude. And it is simply the most hype build in any movie I have ever seen.

Let’s all have a quick watch party together to get the vibes aligned:

Having the same car as this man is like having David Goggins yell ‘WHO IS GOING TO CARRY THE BOATS’ in your ear every second of every damn day.

What more could you want from a muscle car?

Before we end today, I want to go off topic and make a quick callout to a dear, loving reader who shared a story with me about last episode’s Saab.

He did not give me permission to reveal his identity, so we will create a fake identity…

Let’s call him Chris, Chris is tall and his interests include… hockey, being tall, and NOT going to concerts.

Here’s Chris’ Saab (damn, should have made a Saab = Sob Story joke) Story:

My Dad drove an '04(??) Saab 9-5 Aero for like 7 or 8 years. A silver one too but with 5 or 6 spoke rims. In high school I blew the turbo riding second gear too long and successfully blamed it on an overdue oil change...

The center ignition/window buttons were sweet until you spilled a drink. The only cup holders were in the center console and one of those push button to release flimsy cup holder contraption from the dash.

Night panel was and is still awesome. The car salesmen really pitched the whole 'BORN FROM JETS' thing real hard.

I was responsible for driving its last few years until the car was worth less than it would have cost to replace the A/C system. I have some serious nostalgia for that car... RIP

- Anonymous Chris

This is a beautiful story Chris, I hope you know we all would have blown that turbo up too. I personally haven’t done it before, but I’d imagine that’s out of sheer luck more than anything.

If anyone else has car stories, please send them in!

Email [email protected] đŸ™‚ 

That's a wrap for today. New Editions come out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! While you wait, go out and drive! And if you want more, be sure to follow Max’s Twitter (@maxjzin)

A quick note: While I work on building MaxFindsCars, I have realized I probably cannot leave the website looking ugly ‘because its funny’ (who’d have thought lol). So, its possible over the next couple weeks I will skip Wednesday editions to give myself some more time to work on the site, and get this thing advertised!

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In a couple weeks time when you get ‘foot of the bed’ privileges you are going to be SO SET.


I need to know how the soup can fixed it… and more importantly did it still have soup inside?