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  • šŸŽļø Where TF has MaxFindsCars Been???

šŸŽļø Where TF has MaxFindsCars Been???

It was just a friendly lesson in ghosting, I swear. It wasn't you, it was me.

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Good morning, dearest readersā€¦

Soā€¦ a few months ago I sent you all a very vague email.

At the time, I spoke about wanting to refresh my marketing methods, maybe make some other improvements to the site. And, that was all true.

HOWEVER, I quickly was seduced with an entirely different plan. Something Iā€™d been ruminating about for a long time. Something I had alluded to many moons ago.

Basically, the last few months Iā€™ve been cooking something up. Itā€™s not done yet, but its going to be the first product we (the royal we, I think thatā€™s the one where Iā€™m actually saying ā€˜Iā€™ but want to sound like I have less of an ego) release to the world.

What is it? Iā€™m not exactly sure yet, but I can tell you its going to have a shit load of buzz words. NAMELY: AI, MACHINE LEARNING, uhhh, PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS, B2C and maybe a dash of B2B. As Iā€™m sure you can guess, Iā€™ve raised $12 billion dollars at an evaluation of 3.56 bajillion.

Okay okay, in slightly more seriousness, Iā€™m building the greatest vintage car analytics platform the world has ever seen.

So far, Iā€™ve painstakingly compiled data on thousands of vintage auctions, have began interviewing experts in the industry, and am working on training machine learning algorithms against my preliminary dataset.

At this point, youā€™re probably wondering a couple thingsā€¦

  1. How did an idiot with an automotive newsletter and complete lack of grammatical knowhow figure out something like machine learning?

  2. What does this mean for those good good, more traditional MaxFindsCars.com emails?

In order:

  1. The truth is, I am the worldā€™s most stubborn software engineer when I am not writing emails and ogling cars. I also, somewhat relevantly, have a college degree in math but I would be lying to you if I said I remembered anything past high school geometry. In short, Iā€™m learning as I go.

  2. WELL it means we are not, for the moment, going back entirely to regularly scheduled programmingā€¦

My plan from here is to use this newsletter for a few things.

FIRST, and most excitingly, I have some news about my Porsche 911 Iā€™ll be sharing with you all soon, and may or may not have another vehicle being added to the stable in the not too distant future. That vehicle may or may not have 500 horsepower and a turbocharged V8.

SECOND, Iā€™m going to periodically send emails like the older style, but will be experimenting a bit. In reality, this piece of the newsletter and business is going to continue being lower priority so I can focus on the larger project. My deepest apologies. Know that my plan is to get back to writing the more entertaining stuff once we have something released into the world to promote with those posts!

THIRD, as Iā€™m sure your smart ass has guessed, Iā€™m going to be keeping you all up to date on my progress. You all are my most trusted advisors. The ones I want testing this first (when its ready), so I am going to keep you posted in detail here.

For more concise (patting myself on the back for that smart person word) & frequent updates, check out my Twitter/X. Iā€™ll be ramping up my activity there again too!

Talk to you all soon,


Todayā€™s Edition is brought to you by Morning Brew

And rememberā€¦

MaxFindsCars.com is not, technically, free! By subscribing, dear reader, you have agreed to tell your friends about it.

In fact, I believe the contract specifically stated you had to each subscribe 100 of your closest friends, colleagues, enemies, exes, priests, pets, & sugar mommas. Iā€™ll have to check the fine print to be sure, but you all may as well get started spreading the word in the meantime.


That's a wrap for today. New Editions come out every Monday & Friday! While you wait, go out and drive! And if you want more, be sure to follow Maxā€™s Twitter (@maxjzin)